I love St. Patrick's Day. I have no idea when ... or why ... my love for this holiday began, but I seriously look forward to it every year. And we had an absolute blast this year. Starting with Lucky Charms for breakfast and ending with an all-green dinner ... with stories, Bingo, lots of treats, and our valiant attempt to trap a leprechaun thrown in the middle. And of course ...
... lots of pictures of my cute kiddos wearing GREEN!

I started to prep the kids for their scheduled "March 17th photo shoot" days in advance ... promising them I wouldn't go crazy taking pictures ... getting them excited to wear their new green clothes (that yes, I bought on purpose for St. Patrick's Day ... anticipating taking these pictures) ... promising them chocolate and treats galore if they would cooperate and smile ...
They did a great job. Since they were so excited to wake up and see if they had trapped a leprechaun, we had plenty of time to eat breakfast, AND take pictures, AND eat chocolate gold coins, AND pack lunches AND get them to the bus in time. Thankfully it was also a late-start day, so we had an extra hour as well.
This one is getting way too big for my liking. Aaaah! He's growing up on me!

This little guy came home from school a few days ago, collected some construction paper, and proceeded to make this hat. Without ANY help at all. He is exceptionally creative. He insisted he needed to wear his hat in his photos.

I love this picture. I mean I really, really love it.

The Little Lady is getting too good at getting her picture taken. She knows exactly what to do. And smiles away for me. I love it.

I just love holidays.
Love the white backdrop pictures! Makes for such nice, clean shots. Teagan's shot deserves a spot on the wall.
Stunning images. The green is so vibrant. And 4 gorgeous kids must make the job easy!
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