The Mackey Family
I felt honored that this family asked me to take their picture. Especially when I learned that the reason they wanted a family picture at that particular time was to get some images with their beloved dog, Sebastian, who died just a few days later. We had a wonderful evening together at the beach. Thanks for letting me capture this moment for you!

Giving some kisses ...
And getting lots of love ...
Enjoy your doggy paradise!

The one with the girl and the dog is sooo cute! Love all your pictures!
Ok, seriously......I have tears in my eyes. Those pictures with their doggie are so touching...wowsers. Beautiful pics once again Miss H.
How sad. . . .but nice to have pictures to remember him by. Love the 1st one.
You are one amazing lady! I'm very impressed. My sis, Ann is doing photography too, you two should chat and share ideas. :)
Beautiful! Love the setting AND the subjects AND the photographer! HAHA, lovely work. Colours are just beautiful.
k xx
such sweet pictures. it must be so nice for the family to have these to remember their dog.
This really has to be one of my most favourite shoots that I have ever seen. Its crazy, I was just thinking about doing a shoot along the same lines as this earlier today, as well. I think you've done a really beautiful job of capturing the whole family, well done. (I'll be follwing your blog now too! -oh and I found your blog through iheartfaces, that site is awesome)
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